
I am a highly motivated and value-driven professional working across European energy and environment policy. I am interested in energy policy, communications and public participation's role in decarbonising society and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. I gained substantial experience in the energy sector working for EirGrid, Ireland's Transmission System Operator, and the East West Interconnector, with knowledge of electricity markets, operations, and networks.

Highest Level of Education

Master's Degree

Current Job/Study field

Consultancy / freelance


Ireland Flag Ireland

Current employer

Penta Group


  • Management for Sustainable Development
    Dublin City University From October 2020 to July 2023
  • Business Studies
    Dublin City University From September 2016 to June 2020

Area of expertise

Institutional/public affairs


  • English
  • Irish


Profile completed at 70%. Leanne has reached the
Standard Level

  • Personal Info inserted
  • Higher Education inserted
Image Description