
As a young girl, Winner always dreamed of making a difference in her nation. Inspired by the UN, she began her journey as an intern transcriber and translator, hoping to eventually step into an influential position and become a woman of national and international impact. After her post graduate Certificate in International Trade Facilitation, she joined a family business in distribution of LPG with the aim of learning her country's business environment so as to facilitate international trade.

Highest Level of Education

Bachelor's degree

Current Job/Study field

Consultancy / freelance


Tanzania Flag Tanzania

Work experience

  • Business Consultant
    Top Maasai Company Limited - Full-time From November 2023 to May 2024

    Providing expert consultancy services to a leading LPG distribution company in Northern Zone of Tanzania, advising on strategic planning, market positioning, and operational efficiency.rnrn Holding comprehensive market research and analysis to identify opportunities for expansion and growth within the local LPG market, leveraging insights to develop well thought out business strategies. rnrnCollaborating with other partners in management to develop and implement strategic initiatives


  • Bachelors of International Relations
    United States International University From September 2008 to September 2014

Executive Education

  • Post Graduate Certificate in International Trade Facilitation
    The Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa Issued June 2016
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership
    Uongozi Instititute Issued May 2022

Area of expertise

Communications Downstream Gas Gas distribution Gas market design


  • English
  • Swahili


Profile completed at 100%. Winner is a Verified Talent

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